
Poppy Petals Papaver Rhoeas Tincture: Health & Personal Care

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Poppy Petals Papaver Rhoeas Tincture
Mar 30th 2013, 03:41

Poppy Petals Papaver Rhoeas Tincture Category: Health & Personal Care
Vendor: The flowers of corn poppy have a long history of medicinal usage, especially for ailments in the elderly and children. Chiefly
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Product Description : Size: 2x2 ozRed Poppy (Papaver rhoeas) contains a substance named rhoeadine. It\'s nonpoisonous and has been used as mild sedative for centuries. Red poppy contains other alkaloids - papaverine, isorhoeadine and many others. Red Poppy is not opiating, it does have medicinal properties valued by herbalists, and has for millenia been regarded as a curative for sleeplessness. Red Poppy recommended for treatment bronchitis, cold, flu, laryngitis, pharyngitis. Other recommendations: nervous fidgeting, insomnia. The flowers are also used in the treatment of jaundice. It can be used in very small quantities as a sleep-inducing drug. Unlike the related opium poppy (P. somniferum) it is non-addictive. It can be used in very small quantities as a sleep-inducing drug.

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